How can I get help?

We strive to provide the highest level of personalized support for each student while you're enrolled at Covalence (after all, that's what you're paying us to do – help you!), so we have several different ways that you can receive help from Covalence staff and community members.

For Prospective Students

If you're a prospect looking for more information on our website, just use the "Ask" form in the chat modal that pops up on our website to send us an email, or - if you want to discuss your interests, specific life situation, and determine which path may be best for you, please schedule a consult with a Covalence staff member. 

For Current Students

If you're inside Gravity already and looking for help with a concept, activity, or lab assignment, your first and best option should be to ask in our developer community (click that "Connect Discord" button at the top of your browser!), either in the #bootcamp-help channel or in priority support channels for Catalyst (#catalyst) students. We also have topic-specific channels for each section in our curriculum where you can ask questions and receive help. You can also review the #how-to-get-help channel for more guidance on troubleshooting issues, bugs, or receiving help.

All students have the ability to post questions on each activity within Gravity, and a Covalence staff member will be able to asynchronously respond to any questions posted there. Catalyst students can also schedule mentoring sessions with an instructor, and those students also have the ability to join our daily office hours for the topics we teach in our curriculum.

Raise Your (Virtual) Hand

We can't see you actually raise your hand as we would if we were all in a live classroom setting, but that doesn't mean we aren't here. We're here to help in any way that we can, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you need us!